Galleria Sciarra § Rome §


Behind Trevi Fountain there is a pedestrian crossing liberty style, a good corner where to cool off, a real artistic refreshment in the hot summer days.

The Galleria Sciarra is a private  courtyard, open to public during working hours.

It is located between Via Marco Minghetti (a crossway of via del Corso) and vicolo Sciarra and piazza dell’Oratorio.

One can only remain entranced by the spectacle of this covered walkway that was once a single complex with the Sciarra Palace Colonna di Carbognano. not to be confused with the nearby and decidedly more crowded Galleria Sordi, is an architectural masterpiece that appears almost suddenly in the middle of the classicism of the Eternal City.

It is worthwhile visiting this place. In all my life in Rome I didn’t have the chance to see this place and finally I did… amazing place.

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